The development of PSERN was funded through a voter-approved levy in 2015. The system replaced an earlier radio network (KCERCS) that was at the end of its operational life.
Transition to PSERN was completed in 2023 and it is now used on a daily basis for 9-1-1 dispatching and operational communications by Fire Departments, Law Enforcement agencies, Emergency Medical Services and other public service agencies in King County, Washington. In addition to its role in support of First Responders, PSERN provides critical communications between cities, hospitals, critical infrastructure operators and regional emergency management authorities during regional emergency events.
PSERN is a 800MHz simulcast trunked radio system, utilizing Project 25 (P25) Phase II digital technology. The system consists of more than 60 radio transmission sites across King County and supports over 18,000 portable (hand-held), mobile (vehicle), and control station (desktop) radios, as well as dispatch center consoles, within theĀ service area.
PSERN is maintained and operated by the PSERN Operator .

The Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network is maintained and managed for use by two stakeholder groups:
Radio Users: More than 100 agencies throughout King County use radios on the PSERN system. Users include public safety (fire, police), K-12 public schools, hospitals, critical infrastructure and public works agencies, transit agencies, and other city or county departments, including those with emergency management responsibilities. Radios are used for daily operational communications, for inter-agency coordination and to support communications in major emergency events.
Dispatch Centers: 9-1-1 dispatch centers (supporting police, fire and emergency medical services) and other agency operations centers utilize PSERN to dispatch and communicate with their operational personnel.
- Operational Support: PSERN Service Request Portal
- Additional support information is available at How to Get Support
- DAS/In-Building Coverage Inquiries: das@psern.org
- PSERN user agency resources are available at Sign In
- For All Other Inquiries: info@PSERN.org